If I'm 100% honest
It was a real let down. You hyped it all up with MC7 and 8 and I saw this as kind of a "filler". As if to keep you occupied for something better.
The animation was great as was the art, very fluid and still comedic art.
I dislike the new Hank immensely. Granted it's your animation and you can do what you want with it, but I found it... Overly un-realistic, even for madness. Unless there are some secrets about the machine he got thrown in I think it was a bad move.
But whatever, your series.
The two new characters were great, I love the way you gave them personality, especially how Deimos joked about by wearing the dead soldiers helmet.
It was also an anti-climax, I was expecting a little more to happen, it ended rather abruptly.
Overall it's another great addition to the madness series, and I hate to say it but I think you're losing your shine ;)
Hopefully you'll surprise us all with MC10.